with the earth
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Julia Bond, LAc

Experience holistic mind-body-soul transformation. Sessions with Julia are a personalized experience of channeled spiritual counsel, wisdom holder of Classical 5- Element Acupuncture, energy medicine & intuition.

Julia’s approach is designed to amplify the balance of energy within. She works with clients to get to the root and bring harmony to body, mind, and spirit.


Is a session right for me?

A session with Julia would be healing & supportive if you are experiencing any of the following…


  • Systemic Inflammation  

  • Illness: chronic & acute

  • Headaches 

  • Chronic pain 

  • Immune resiliency: preventative medicine & seasonal  health 

  • Women’s Health: endocrine support for hormonal balance, fertility support, preconception prep, postpartum integration,and menopausal support 

  • Sleep hygiene: night sweats, waking up feeling tired  

  • Fatigued and low energy

  • Digestive dysbiosis

Mental & Emotional

  • Stress, anxiety, depression, instability, uncertainty

  • Persistent anger & frustration

  • Grief or loneliness

  • Persistent fear

  • Unprocessed or repressed emotions

  • Poor boundaries

  • Limiting belief systems  

  • Self sabotaging patterns

  • Overwhelm, repetitive thoughts, overthinking

  • Trauma & PTSD

  • Hyperactivity

  • Dissociation

  • Sleep disorders: insomnia & night waking 

  • Not at peace within


  • Experiencing life transition: new beginnings, becoming a parent, end of life transition, loss

  • A yearning for wholeness & connection to self: self-worth, self-cultivation

  • Realize and actualize dreams carried within  

  • Disconnected from soul or purpose

  • Desiring direction

  • Seeking deeper relationships

  • Disconnected from essence and vital spark 

  • Personal growth: evolution, actualization, integration

How will I feel after a session?

  • In the initial cleansing and restoring stages, symptoms and responses may temporarily surface as your systems cleanse. This response, referred to as a “healing crisis” will not linger and is a positive sign as this indicates engagement and healing.

  • Self Love & open heart

  • Clear, reset, revitalized, refreshed, connected 

  • Balanced  & in flow  

  • Lighter & like life is more doable  

  • Regenerated, energized, radiant & bright

  • Meaningful purpose  

  • Activated 

  • Stable


Sessions personalized to your unique physical, emotional & energetic needs.

We are all unique, thus our need and direction in the process of generating healing will be specific.

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Have questions about booking or what to expect in session?

**What is Classical Five Element Acupuncture? **

An ancient, effective, and unique system of healing that diagnoses and treats the cause of disease based on natural laws. It goes beyond the surface by identifying the root cause and addressing the symptoms.

The main principle in Five Element Theory is that the energy that the elements represent must be balanced: flowing smoothly on all levels. Ailments arise in the Spirit, Mind and Body when for whatever reason one of the elements and corresponding energy is distorted. Our bodies have an intrinsic ability to heal themselves. Symptoms are distress signals alerting that we are out of alignment in some way.

What do you mean when you say "energy" work?

Energy flows through everything and creates everything – our thoughts and emotions are energy and carry a frequency and vibration.

Energy is Qi (“chi”): Qi can be described as the life force, as the energy of information, the energy of relationship, the energy of communication, the energy of connection. Energy is either kinetic or potential energy, but Qi is more about the relationship between things. Everything is Qi because everything exists in relationship to everything else.

Qi is experienced and felt throughout our body, witnessed and  sensed in the patterns of the wind and water, the growing plants, and moving animals.  It is knowing that our blood and water that  flow in the rivers are one and the same. Our heart is the beating heart of humanity and of mother earth.   

How often should I book a session?

Sometimes people come once in a lifetime. Other times people find coming seasonally or every month supportive. Over time you begin to know when to get in for a  session, you just feel it in your systems.  This looks differently for everyone.

What can I expect ?

We are all unique, thus our need and direction in the process of generating  wellbeing and healing will be specific. I work with the energy available to unlock the medicine and healing already within you.  We begin with you sharing what you are walking through in life at this time. I then offer intuitive guidance and channel wisdom that comes through. Then we transition to the energy healing portion where you will lay down in a comfortable area and receive.


Located in Bozeman, Montana

Immersed in big sky country, surrounded by the vast wilderness of the Rocky Mountains, the land, rivers, forests, air, and sun pulsate with each of the five elements’ energy.  To be able to offer my service and live in an ecosystem that is largely untouched and wild, brings me immense joy. 

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