Homecoming Audio Journeys: Love Your Thyroid

Hello Beloved Heart,

Throughout this year, I have shifted so much in my life. My thyroid went from the size of a lemon to slowly reducing. The spirit of my third baby began communicating clearly. My husband and I traversed an internal death and rebirth of deep revelations and magnificent beauty. My creativity began to flow in unrestricted ways and the most paramount, is that I began to TRUST my nature with a whole new frequency.

I saw my healing journey, a spiral of guidance that said, there is no shame in letting it all fall apart right now.

Through that, I have been given the opportunity to heal older than me shame held in my body. The thing about coming home to your true nature, is that it is a journey built on the bedrock of how far you have come, through it all. It is not a destination to the light, but rather an ever evolving and unfolding of shadow and light. This bedrock opens the creative channels for expressions and deep remembering of your unique nature.

What is the voice of your body telling you?

The most sensitive people tend to experience mysterious conditions that activate from particular events. Perhaps it is related to the way the collective treats the most sensitive, which is often through intense shame and disregard. Common ways the voice of the body communicates this overwhelm early on is through skin irritation, anxiety/ depression, thyroid, lymph, inflammation, chronic fatigue, fertility, tumors, mold toxicity, gut dysbiosis, and weight gain / weight loss. Sensitive people are beautifully in tune with the greater energies and because of that, in a world that does not value energy, leaves the most sensitive among us overwhelmed.

I think we are meant to be a little confused at times in our personal journeys. Of course the answers aren’t laid out in an external way ~ this is an inner journey. We senstives know this. I was doing every external thing I could do to support my thyroid since it first became enlarged 7 years ago.

It was never going to be the amount of red light or nutrition or cleanses or trace minerals or a magic supplement ~ those are beautiful supports, however it is and will always be about removing many layers of shielding I had packed on to protect my sensitive nature that shut down my truthful expression.

When I began to allow my truth to flow, my thyroid began to heal in a subtle way. The thyroid is a very sensitive, butterfly shaped organ that is the closest to the surface of your skin. It is the least shielded organ of your body. Your thyroid is taking in continuous information and your wise body is doing what it can to filter this information to protect you. I began to realize, this isn’t about my voice or my voice being blocked. This is about my creative truth and expression in the world.

Our faithful bodies will respond ~ thank you wise body, thank you.

My body was doing an incredible thing by storing this unused energy in my thyroid, which was equaling the enlargement.

Somewhere along the way of getting my Masters Degree, I was chasing a desire to be “accepted” and to “keep up” as I tempered and diluted my unique medicine. Rewind 7 years ago, my initial thyroid storm happened while under immense stress studying for the multiple Acupuncture National Board Exams. Once I received my national accreditation, I was overcompensating and overextending to fit into the box I thought I needed too.

After the birth of my son 4.5 years ago, little bits of my truth began to emerge more clearly and eventually, Homecoming was born.

Homecoming brought aliveness and the ability for me to reveal the depth of my offering. I felt enlivened in my sessions and the vessel of my channel clear. However, I was scared to change and let go of the tool people expected from me ~ acupuncture needles. The expression of the needles was not in alignment for me. I was faced once more with how to be in my TRUTH.

My thyroid only began to shrink in size when I began to express my TRUTHFUL Expression in Homecoming. When I laid down the needles, my truth began to reveal itself. The overwhelm I felt lifted. The medicine that was truly mine to offer felt very clear.

What is your faithful body telling you?

Homecoming Audio Journey - A Gift to You

I was guided to record a group of Homecoming audio journeys which I want to offer to you as a gift.

The first one is:
Homecoming Journey: Love Your Thyroid

Please note: This is for anyone who would like to access their truth through this portal we call thyroid,
you do not need to have any current imbalances with it to go on this journey.

Click below to download the audio journey.
I hope it takes you where your soul wants you to go.

With love,

Would you like to dive deeper into your self?

I invite you to join me on this bespoke Homecoming Retreat in the beautiful Paradise Valley, Montana.

We will dive deep into Coming Home to Ourselves.

This retreat is an extremely special offering that I am putting together very intentionally, from the date (during the 7th full moon of the year) to the location, itinerary and the incredible guests: Emily and her horses who we will have the opportunity to work with.

I am beyond excited and I cannot wait to see you there.

Find out more here
or click the button below.

Please email:

Julia Bond